Shotforce of the Great Target is one of Tatsumi's primary weapon that he stole along with the other treasures from the core of Tabby's Star. It is a user-linked sentient large divine magical gun that uses the user's willpower as ammunition and having multiple capabilities.
A rifle which is relatively dark in color, but ornately decorated by intricate, spiraling motifs over its stock and central part. It seems to be a weapon, with a appearing in the anime bearing resemblance to it,
Sentient Divine Magic Object Physiology: Shotforce is an object of sentience, having a desire to protect its user above their allies. Its power can augment Tatsumi's marksmanship on a god-like scale, allowing him to combat archery and gun deities. Additionally, the gun protects its wielder from other ammunition-based and divine and magic attacks.
- Self-Restoration:
- Divine Magic:
- Divine Presence:
- Light Generation:
- Divine Empowerment:
- Companion Power Link:
- Mind Link:
- Mental Augmentation:
- Enhanced Gunmanship:
- Willpower Empowerment:
- Magical Bullet Generation:
- Infinite Supply:
- Projectile Augmentation:
- Homing Effect:
- Magical Energy Blasts:
- Magical Energy Projection:
- Magical Bullet Generation: